business continuity and disaster recovery

When is In-house IT Not Good Enough?

150 150 Debby Thompson

Managed Services

When is in-house IT not good enough?

Does your firm have “a guy” who is responsible for managing your IT? Maybe it’s a manager who is also tasked with human resources, bookkeeping, or marketing? Maybe the job landed with someone who just knows a little bit more than everyone else in the office.

In many Boston area law firms, the heartbeat of their practice – their infrastructure – is under the purview of someone who doesn’t consider it as their primary focus.

Think about it.

Would you undergo heart surgery with someone who had a few more biology classes than anyone else? Your infrastructure is the heart of your business and powers everything else. It’s controls access to your accounting software, to your clients’ files and their private information, to payroll, to email, to discovery data, legal settlements and negotiations. Why would trust your IT to anyone but an IT professional – someone whose only priority is keep you, your firm, your staff, and your clients safe?

Is it time to get serious about IT? If you can’t answer these questions with confidence, the time is now.

  1. When was your last healthy backup? If you don’t know when or if your answer isn’t “today”, you need the expertise of a qualified MSP. Penalty points if you don’t know what a healthy backup is.
  2. Where is your backup stored? For maximum security, your backup should be stored off premises. If you have a data breach, fire, or theft, you are at risk of losing everything if your backup is stored on premises or on the same infrastructure as all your other data.
  3. How often does your staff undergo cybersecurity awareness training? Employees are the No. 1 risk factor for security breaches. If you’re not continually educating your staff on what to look for, what to be aware of, and what to do if a breach happens, you need an IT expert.
  4. Is every software program you use up to date? Have all the most recent patches been installed? Patches don’t just update products but also include security features to maximize your protection. Without the most current version of any program, you are putting your firm at risk.
  5. Are you using a quality antivirus software? Are you receiving alerts on malicious or suspicious activity? What are you doing with them? If you’re not tracking and monitoring potential breaches, you could already be at risk.
  6. Do you have a WISP? Is it stored off premises? A Written Information Security Plan is your roadmap to restoring business continuity in the event of a disaster. If you don’t have one in place, an IT expert can help.
  7. How much IT downtime do you have each month? What is it costing you? A file was deleted in error, a password needs to be recovered, a computer is frozen. These issues add up and cost money. From unproductive staff members to neglected clients to missed deadlines. Having a fully staff Help Desk available to quickly address these issues and get business back on track can save you thousands of dollars annually while minimizing employee frustration and unhappy clients. A good MSP is just a phone call or email away from restoring productivity.

These are just a few questions to consider. When it comes to IT, there’s no question that you owe it to your business, your staff, your clients, and yourself to have the best solution.

Get in touch today for a free assessment.

Debby Thompson, (617) 420-1244,

5 Lessons 2017 Taught Us About IT Disaster Recovery

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We can look back on 2017 as the worst of times – when it came to disasters, at least. Severe weather, data breaches and global hacking attempts affected thousands of businesses, costing them an estimated $926 to $17,244 for every minute of unplanned downtime. Instead of letting the unthinkable damage your business, fight back with these five strategies:

  • Back Up Your Data to the Cloud

Following Hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria, hundreds of businesses found their physical equipment and servers submerged in water. Storing data on-site is convenient, but an unexpected disaster can wipe away years of information in the blink of an eye. Migrating your data to the cloud means your information is protected and readily available – and you’ll never have to start from scratch.

  • Prepare for a Remote Workforce

Even after the Thomas wildfire in California was contained, smoke and poor air conditions made it impossible for many employees to return to their offices. Anything from a severe storm to surprise pest control treatments can force employees out of their workspaces, so have a plan in place that will allow your team to access necessary tools from any Internet-enabled location.

  • Monitor for Breaches and Respond Quickly

A massive breach of data from Equifax – one of the three largest credit agencies in the US – lasted from May to July and wasn’t reported publicly until September. The Social Security, credit card and driver’s license numbers of more than 145 million consumers were compromised, and victims rushed to protect themselves against potential identity thieves. Avoid losing your customers’ trust by proactively monitoring for breaches, shutting them down promptly and providing a full inventory of the damage to those affected.

  • Don’t Underestimate Human Error

People are unpredictable – that’s why 90 percent of cyber security issues stem from human behavior. Employee negligence is the number one cause of data breaches at small to medium-sized businesses. Comprehensive training can close the gap, but it’s not foolproof. Combine your team’s efforts with strong cyber security policies.

  • Update Outdated Software Programs

The WannaCry Ransomware Attack, which resulted in hackers taking control of more than 200,000 computers in 150 countries, targeted a weakness in outdated software for which a patch was already available. Hospitals, airlines, police departments and more were brought to a halt, and paying the ransom did not result in the return of data. Update your software regularly to fix vulnerabilities and avoid becoming an easy target for hackers.

Don’t panic. A solid IT disaster recovery plan will protect your business and get you back up and running with minimal – if any – hassle and downtime. Unsure where to start? We learn the ins and outs of your business to develop and implement a customized recovery plan. Contact us today to get started.
